Having Psychological disorder does not mean you are unable. You have your unique creation by God and you possess your own individual talent that must be unearthed and made to count in your life.

One Godfrey Mwai who was born with almost no growth hormones is today graduating with a bachelors degree and is fairly independent. He has turned out to be a budding musician (rapper). Before that he could not leave the house and return alone (Actually leaves home for college via connecting public transport). The parents recall sending him to the shop and lost him only to find him on the main Nairobi-Mombasa highway creating a big traffic snarl up.

Signal shift and shaft effects like autism, etc. can produce high creativity if evaluated and managed correctly He was assessed Professionally and Scientifically, and put on manageable career paths hence the great achievement.
For more on “Beyond Limits Achievement” , Click Here.