We (and partners) have been saying this over and over again. Adults too were kids or youth at some point. Talent never dies and that is why even adults who have worked, still seek their passion. Many are back to graduate at even 97 years of age.
Adults are very much welcomed for the assessments for the following reasons:

  • I would like to invest and would wish to do so in what I enjoy most and certain to succeed
  • I would like to attain higher qualifications e.g. bachelors, masters or doctoral degree but would not like to do a course that is not connected to my passion, desires or talent
  • I would like my talent, life and work experience to be considered during admissions for my bachelors, masters or doctoral degree so that I don’t waste a lot time and spend less.
  • I also wouldn’t like the learning process to ignore may age and learning styles e.g. would not like to rush through traffic in the evenings to sit in the same class with children the age of my own or juniors in my office.
  • I would not like to sit in a lecture hall and listen to useless theories and concepts that do not connect with my business or investment ideas