In an ideal world, everyone investing in their skills through education and training believe they would enter the labour market and find a job which took full advantage of those skills. If you are still dreaming so, we must inform you that for successive cohorts of university graduates in most African countries’ joblessness is the order of the day.

Degree holders ride motor cycles in villages or work for owners of businesses who never completed education or got low grades. So, did you need a degree to do what a non-graduate does? Many youth that had failed the traditional education systems and achieved low or no grades at all, came to us and we assessed them professionally and scientifically, before putting them on learning focused on their prescribed talents.

The results have been amazing with startling success for most these youth who would have joined the long list of jobless graduates. There is more to life than just the grades you got in high school or college. Most of the successful individuals in the world today were actually not at the top of their class Perhaps this old quote is true “School is a place where former A students teach B students to work for C students.”
Click here to review testimonials of youth who have succeeded under Talent Based Learning.